Andreas Lymperis
Andreas Lymberis is a physicist, post-graduated with a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering and sciences (1990, Paris, France). He worked for more than 20 years as researcher/engineer and R&D manager in biomedical technology and health telematics. In 1999 he joined the European Commission (Brussels, Belgium) as a scientific officer in eHealth where he initiated R&D activities on “smart wearable health systems and biomedical clothing”. Senior research program officer in electronic components and systems from 2004, he has been appointed in 2016 as head of sector “Wearables and Bioelectronics” and in 2020 he joined the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) as Head of sector “Project Management” in the Unit EIC Accelerator – SME Instrument. He is currently head of sector EIC Challenge-based Accelerator at the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Established by the European Commission. He is Senior IEEE Member and chaired the IEEE-EMBS Technical Committee on Wearable Biomedical Sensors and Systems (2004-2007). He published over 60 articles in journals, conference proceedings & books and he is editor of 2 books on wearable and mobile health systems.