Christos Georgopoulos, CEO. (2000-present) He develops the company business strategy, manages business development and pursues strategic cooperations with international technology vendors and targeted customers. From 1998 to 2000, Mr. Georgopoulos co-founded and was responsible for operations at Ellemedia, a Lucent product development partner for residential networks, gigabit switching and VDSL chipset design, where he lead product design and business development with international PTTs. From 1997 to 1998, he was a group manager with the NTUA Telecom Lab, managing research projects with several EU telecommunications companies, including a Bell Laboratories project on native IP/ATM architectures. From 1993 to 1996, he was a research associate in the NTUA Telecom Lab, working on integrated telecommunications networks with leading EU telecommunications companies. He holds a diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. in Integrated Broadband Networks, both from NTUA, Greece.